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Treatment options for individuals living with Lennox-Gastaut Syndrome vary. The goals of treatments for patients is the best quality of life with the fewest seizures, the fewest adverse treatment effects, and the least number of medications. Although there is no cure for Lennox-Gastaut Syndrome, there are numerous treatment options available. It is the LGS Foundation's mission to fund research in new therapies for LGS. Learn about our research initiatives here.

Below are the treatment options available. Click an option to learn more about each treatment.

LGS Lennox-Gastaut Syndrome medications, onfi, banzel, depakote, felbatol
LGS Lennox-Gastaut Syndrome non pharmacological, vns, cbd
LGS Lennox-Gastaut Syndrome surgical ptions, corpus callosotomy, VNS, vagus nerve
LGS Lennox-Gastaut Syndrome, dietary treatment options, low glycemic, modified atkins
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